Dopharma CSRD FAQ’s for stakeholders
CSRD in a nutshell
The European Union is introduced the CSRD legislation requiring over 50,000 companies in Europe to report on sustainability. This legislation, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), is an extension of the Non Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), the current directive for reporting on non-financial information.
Previously, public institutions, such as insurers, banks and listed companies, were already required to report under the NFRD, but the extension of this law ensures that a significantly larger number of companies have to report on sustainability topics such as environmental pollution, diversity and inclusion and social responsibility. This means that companies must collect data on these themes, both within their own companies and any subsidiaries.
In 2026, Dopharma is required to report on CSRD. As one of our stakeholders that has been impacted, defined by our double materiality analysis, you have been requested to participate in our stakeholder survey via the Ecocharting platform. The data you provide is an important part of the reporting.
We compiled the frequently asked questions from our stakeholders that are currently participating. This section will be updated frequently. Your question not in our FAQ’s? Please contact us via [email protected].
Questions about CSRD
What is the CSRD and from when should Dopharma start reporting?
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is a European directive that requires companies to provide detailed and transparent information on the impact of their operations on the environment and society. Dopharma must start reporting on 2025 in 2026.
Which stakeholder groups are involved in our Double Materiality Analysis?
Werknemers, leveranciers (API’s, carriers/excipient, verpakkingsmateriaal, energie), transporteurs, distributeurs/klanten, board
Which stakeholder groups are involved in our Double Materiality Analysis?
Employees, suppliers (APIs, carriers/excipient, packaging materials, energy), carriers, distributors/customers, board…
Questions about ESG topics
Why are the affected stakeholders asked questions in the survey on all issues and not just material issues?
The stakeholder dialogue is part of the Double Materiality Analysis process, and material themes are the outcome of this process. Through the survey, we can find out which ESG topics are important to our stakeholders. It may be that they prioritise differently from us, for example, considering E3 ‘water’ as one of the most important themes. Should that be the case, it will be necessary to adjust our selection of material themes and add E3 ‘water’ here. It is therefore important to discuss all themes so that we can substantiate why our chosen material themes are actually material and also demonstrate that they match our stakeholders’ perspectives.
What is Dopharma’s value chain?
You can download the Dopharma value chain HERE.
Questions about the Ecocharting platform
Coming Soon!
For now you can check the free webinar from Ecocharting:
Dopharma en CSRD: de voorbereidingen zijn afgerond, tijd voor de volgende fase
Read more [DUTCH]