Healthy Livestock: Poultry

Dopharma endorses the ‘best practice’ thoughts of EPRUMA* fully. Best practice is key to healthy animals and a healthy livestock sector. Healthy animals are essential for animal welfare, public health and optimum results.

Best practice includes good livestock practices and good veterinary practices (GVP). Examples are good management of poultry farms, specific knowledge of poultry diseases and diagnostics, knowledge of the working mechanism of veterinary medicinal products and extensive experience with the correct administration methods of veterinary medicinal products.

As a veterinary pharmaceutical company, Dopharma has all of the above mentioned knowledge. Furthermore, Dopharma is committed to maintain a wide range of veterinary medicinal products for poultry and to extent our portfolio with more innovative products. This makes Dopharma a valuable partner for both poultry veterinarians and poultry farmers. Some examples are:

* European Platform for the Responsible Use of Medicines in Animals

Product overview

Improve poultry farming

Our vision: Healthy livestock, healthy results

Livestock farming is essential for a healthy and well-functioning society. Nevertheless, livestock farming is under immense pressure. A strong call for animal welfare, increasing attention to food safety and intensification of international competition are challenging the whole industry to move towards ‘tomorrow’s livestock farming’. Appropriate improvements are needed to respond to the various, sometimes conflicting, interests. We believe that healthy livestock is the only successful way to achieve healthy results.


We have a species-specific newsletter for poultry.