Check out the new turkeys health hub on
Turkeys are a unique kind of poultry. In turkey production some specific facts about physiology and behaviour are important and will ask for adapted farming compared to, for instance, chickens.
Dopharma has identified turkeys as a major minor species. We have seen the need for specific products in turkeys and have invested already many years ago to obtain licences to allow veterinarians and farmers to treat these animals in a responsible way. As a result, we can offer you products with indications, dosage and withdrawal period authorized for turkey.
In order to create a network and share knowledge about turkey health care and veterinary challenges you might face, we have defined 2021 as Year Of The Turkey. We want to bring together the available knowledge among different people, turkey farmers and veterinarians who visit these farms in different countries. This way we can learn from each other and with all information, Dopharma will learn about your needs in the field of veterinary medicine to keep the turkeys healthy. With this information we can focus our research to extend your toolbox in the worthiest way.
And… also the years after 2021 will be turkey-years for us!!
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