Dopharma launches Dophacyl® Avi: Effective pain relief with optimal solubility

Raamsdonksveer, the Netherlands, October 24, 2024 – With Dophacyl® Avi, Dopharma offers a unique product for pain relief in chickens. Thanks to its optimal solubility in drinking water, veterinarians now have access to a registered pain reliever based on sodium salicylate for use in chickens.

Pain in poultry leads to reduced productivity, declining uniformity, and impacts animal welfare. Dophacyl® Avi, consisting of 100% sodium salicylate, is highly soluble without additives, making it ideal for administration via drinking water.

No need for cascade products anymore to manage pain

Dopharma has registered sodium salicylate for use in chickens, resulting in Dophacyl® Avi. To achieve this, Dopharma developed Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for broiler chickens, which have been established by the European Commission. The results of studies supporting these MRLs and the registration of Dophacyl® Avi are protected under regulation 2019/6 for five years, meaning other registrants cannot reference them.

This allows veterinarians to no longer rely on cascade products for using sodium salicylate in chickens. However, Dophacyl® Avi is not approved for use in chickens that produce eggs for human consumption.

Dopharma highlights its strategic ambition with Dophacyl® Avi

Dophacyl® Avi is approved in 20 EU member states, emphasizing Dopharma’s strategic ambition to launch innovative products in the dynamic poultry sector.

Ruud de Rijke, Commercial Director Europe at Dopharma, says: “We are proud of this unique registration that our colleagues at Dopharma Research have achieved after a long journey. It aligns with our strategy and vision for a healthy livestock industry and improved animal welfare in the poultry sector.”

Dophacyl® Avi will soon be available in Dopharma’s well-known, high-quality resealable packaging of 1 and 5 kg.

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About Dopharma

Dopharma is a family-owned pharmaceutical company that has been producing and supplying veterinary medicines for livestock since 1969.

Dopharma produces 95% of its veterinary medicines in-house, on its own modern GMP-certified production lines. Together, we work towards smart solutions for the livestock industry to achieve the best results.

Our vision              : A healthy livestock industry enables healthy profits.

Our mission          : Using our knowledge to continuously improve the livestock industry.

Our motto             : Working together for success.

Our essence          : Healthy livestock, healthy food, healthy people.