Meet the team: Logistics

Meet the team: Customer service

Dopharma strategy 2024-2029

Dopharma strategy 2024-2029

Meet the team: Regulatory Affairs

Our Area Managers Suzanne and Frank

Dopharma Vet 15th anniversary

Dopharma has been present in Romania since 1996 through its distributors. In 2006 Dopharma established her first representative office abroad and this resulted in Dopharma Vet, Romania.

The portfolio of Dopharma Vet offers a wide range of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and antiparasitic products as well as hormonal preparations, nutritional supplements and vitamins.

Dopharma Vet cooperates with pig, poultry and cattle farms, as well as with veterinary practices and pharmacies. Dopharma Vet supplies its products to distributors throughout Romania as well as in Hungary and Serbia.

The road to success of DOPHARMA VET

1995 – Start of product registration

1996 – Dopharma sales through its distributors in Romania

2006 – Establishment of Dopharma Romania

2006 – First office in Timisoara

January 2007 – First import of Dopharma products

2007 – Dopharma starts to build its new office and warehouse in Timisoara

2008 – Dopharma finalizes the construction of the 1000 sm warehouse

2008 – Dopharma official opening

2017 – Dopharma Vet 10-year celebration

2022 – Dopharma new look (impression)

For more information please visit our (Romanian) website or contact our local team, who also speak English, via [email protected].

Summary of Dopharma’s webinar about bromhexine


Bromhexine: prophylaxis, supportive therapy or alternative for antimicrobial treatment?

On the 4th of November 2021 Dopharma organized a webinar on the use of bromhexine in livestock. This webinar was introduced by Chris Cornelis, Technical Support veterinarian at Dopharma. She spoke about the year-long successful use of bromhexine in calves. The three different ways to use bromhexine in calves were clearly explained. With this she answered the question which was also the title of this webinar.

The second speaker was prof. em. Dr Johanna Fink-Gremmels. In her lecture: ‘Bromhexine for all animal species: revisiting an old drug’ she explained extensively about the mode of action of bromhexine and its applications in the various animal species. When discussing the mechanism of action, the importance of the mucociliary apparatus as the first line of defense in respiratory infections became clear. The main effect of bromhexine is the support and repair of this mucociliary apparatus. Bromhexine therefore has an important role as adjunctive therapy in respiratory diseases. In addition, some other properties of the molecule were discussed. Very interesting was the explanation of the influence of bromhexine on the concentration of antibiotics in the respiratory tract and the explanation of the role of bromhexine in viral infections such as Corona and Influenza.

Finally, there was an extensive Q&A session that was led in the right direction by moderator Bert Cornelis. Many and diverse questions about different animal species were discussed, which indicates that the webinar was followed with great interest by the participants.

All in all, it was a very successful webinar with about 130 participants from various European countries where Dopharma has registered the product Dophexine 20 mg/g for the treatment of calves, pigs, chickens, turkeys and ducks.


Introduction of Hanna Kmiecik

From the 1st of January 2021 Dopharma Polska is a fact! The office is located in the city centre of Poznan.

In the office 4 people are working: Hanna, Kornelia, Maciej and Artur. The ladies are young and vibrant. The gentlemen have more experience in work and live. Together they form a good and balanced team to get the job done. In addition our team has 4 account managers working for Dopharma, visiting livestock veterinarians all over the country.

For this article I spoke with Hanna, the 23-year-old office assistant. In her previous jobs she was working in a completely different field: an amusement park in the United States, followed by a fashion company in Poland. A friend of hers informed her about the new company and job opportunity. The challenge of being part of the startup of a new company and the international character of Dopharma drew Hanna’s attention and made her apply to the job. The things that make her happy is communicating with her international colleagues, speaking English and learning more business English. As office assistant she is responsible (among others) for the invoices and documentation. Being in touch with many different people about numerous subjects makes the work interesting to her. She also translates text provided by the headquarters in English, to Polish needed for local brochures and the website, which make her of great help to the Dutch marketing team.

Anouk van der Werf
Marketing manager
Dopharma Holding B.V.

Dopharma Poland in action

Since January this year Dopharma Poland is a fact! In the last year many people have been involved to prepare this transition to our own Dopharma entity in Poland.

In the past Dopharma was distributing her products in Poland though her long lasting and trusted partner Medivet. For the last couple of years, the strategic direction of Medivet (Covetrus) changed more towards companion animals and their turnover in Poland was growing rapidly, therefor putting our position at risk. For this reason and to optimize even more the potential of our portfolio in Poland we decided to change our business model in Poland.

Poland is considered as one of the fastest growing markets in production animals in Europe and is currently the largest in poultry. Medivet will still play a role as one of our wholesalers in Poland but also other wholesalers will promote the Dopharma portfolio. Thorough and extensive preparation was needed to prepare this change (business, logistics, IT, legal, office, etc.), but we were able to achieve everything within the timelines together with our team and our new Polish Country Manager Irek Fiereck. Currently Dopharma Poland employees are working to serve our clients in Poland and of course many things need to be further refined, but the basis is there! Our office is located in Poznan and our warehouse close to Warsaw.

It is a new and big adventure in an important country like Poland.

Take a look to see some pictures of our colleagues, the office and the first Dopharma Poland brochure prepared.


You can read more in the interview we did with Hanna, our new office employee.

Dopharma Italy on the map!

January 1st 2021 is the official launch of Dopharma Italy. Since summer 2019 we already started with a local sales organization of several agents (working on commission basis) lead by Claudio our Italian Country Manager. At this point in time we were visiting the clients and a lot of the sales administration and invoicing was done from Raamsdonksveer with the support of our colleagues from the Customer services department. In the last year the organization has matured and there was a need to have a local entity due to the higher turnover and have a more “Italian” footprint towards the customer. The entity has been created in September last year and the teams have worked intensively together to have all the systems in place before 1st of January 2021. The full team consists now of Claudio as Country Manager, Donatella for administration and 5 agents in the field promoting our products.