Welcome to the future of parasitic diagnostics!

Micron Kit is the tool you need for rapid faecal testing for the presence of eggs on gastrointestinal worms and rumen/liver fluke in cattle, sheep, goats and horses. With this kit you can test animal faeces for worms with fast – within 15 minutes – automated results, directly on your smartphone.

The Micron Kit offers the ability to detect and/or monitor worm infections, followed by targeted treatment and prevent drug resistance. This is to ensure responsible use of anthelmintics.

Running a FEC test

From sample preparation to analysis running a FEC on Micron Kit is simple. Our cutting-edge AI technology generates results in under 15 minutes.


Collect a faecal sample on farm.


Using our simple instructions prepare the sample for analysis in 5 minutes.


Insert the sample into the reader. Your phone will now scan the slide for worms and coccidia or fluke.


In under 15 minutes, you will receive a comprehensive PDF report with results. The report is customisable and is branded with your business logo and info.

What’s in the case?

Your Micron Kit includes everything you need to start rapidly testing animals for worms, coccidia and fluke. All items are also available separately.

Micron Reader

Manual centrifuge



The Micron Kit in practice

See how vets use Micron Kit to provide parasitic advice to livestock farmers.


Micron Kit is being used by leading veterinary practices around the world. The impact our technology is making is measurable and we let our statistics* speak for themselves.


animals tested


parasite eggs catalogued


eggs detected


minute average for results

*Results 1 year after launch in Ireland.


Contact our Customer Service Team to check if the Micron Kit is already available in your country.

Micron Kit

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